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How's this for 8th grade Language Arts?

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I wanted to do Lightening Literature with ds next year but I think it will be way too much with also doing history readings. I want to expose him to literature terminology before high school, though, so I looked into CLE. It just clicked with me that with only having to do CLE a few times per week that it might be a perfect fit. Here is the entire LA schedule I am considering:


CLE 8th grade reading 3x/wk

Analytical Grammar year 3 2x/wk

Word Roots B1 2x/wk (I have B2 but that would move this subject up to 4x/wk)

IEW SWI B in a class I am teaching, moving on to SWI B CC when ready

Historical Fiction with history program - can get a couple of study guides to enhance


It just seems that Lightening Lit has some difficult reading that ds is not ready for. Also, it is hard for him to read two books at once which is what he would be doing because of the history readers.


I think this a good decision - I just need some reassurance.

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I have a student that I have to be extremely careful not to overwhelm. I, too, wanted to use LL this year, but have decided against it for very similar reasons as you. You know your child best. CLE is an excellent program and will accomplish your education goals well.


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I, too, was trying to figure out how we could do lit analysis and historical fiction, without being over burdened on the reading.


We are going to use Progeny Press Literature Guides. Each guide has a 10-week plan. I chose three of them that will correspond with Modern Times/SOTW 4.


I am going to have my kids have "reading time" every afternoon. This will be one hour (or so) of assigned reading. On Mon and Tues, he will read the chapters needed for the Lit guide, and we will complete the pages and activities on Wed-Thurs-Fri (during lesson time, not reading time). On Wed-Thursday, and possibly Friday, he will read historical fiction from the SOTW 4 activity guide.


I am changing the whole way we schedule, so it won't look exactly like that, but it will be something similar.



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