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Braces and Singing Question

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My 11 yo is going to need braces. We had a consultation last year and they told me to wait until this summer and they would re-evaluate. They said she hadn't lost enough of her baby teeth. She has lost quite a few since that time so I really don't know if they will be ready to put braces on this summer or not. Our appointment is on the 13th of July.


The question I have is, (please don't laugh this may be a stupid question) will the braces affect her singing voice or her ability to pronunciation words correctly?


She has been asked to sing the National Anthem for opening day for her Soccer Club and that will be on August 25th. This is a hard song to sing and I don't know if having the braces on will make a difference or not.


Thanks. If the answer is yes, then of course I have to decide if I want to postpone getting the braces for another month+ or choose to not sing the National Anthem which they are already counting on her to do. :confused:

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They probably won't want to start slapping the braces on at the July 13th appointment. If they evaluate her and decide she is ready, they may start by taking pictures and molds of her teeth, etc. You usually have to make another appointment to come back to start placing the braces. It would be no big deal at all to postpone that appointment until after her singing event.


It takes a while to get used to braces and I could easily see it affecting her singing at first. So, yes, I'd have them put on AFTER the singing event.


I completely lost my ability to whistle while my braces were on a couple years ago. I'm only just now starting to whistle again.

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It doesn't take most people long to get used to braces, and be able to pronounce everything normally, certainly not six weeks. I have done a lot of singing, and sang frequently at our church when I had braces. I never thought about it. I wouldn't worry.



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Thank you both for your replies. I was worried most about waiting too long and then her not being able to sing and letting them down. I would rather tell them with enough notice.


I hadn't though about all the pre-braces stuff though, that makes sense.


Thank You!:001_smile:

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