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DVD recs for my kids

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We are going on a 15 hour road trip next week. What could my 5.5 and 3 yo dds watch on the dvd player in the car? We try to stay away from some of silly Disney stuff or Hannah Montana and the like.


In the past, the National Geographic for kids and The Big Adventure series were a hit. It can be educational or entertaining. Thanks In Advance!


PS: It doesn't really have to be age appropriate for dd age 3. She doesn't like to watch much anyway.

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My boys have enjoyed the "Real Wheels" series with Dave and Becky. It's all about various types of vehicles and modes of transportation. They are pretty funny and educational too, and each DVD has three episodes on it. For example, "Land, Sea, and Air Adventures" contains these episodes: There Goes a Boat, There Goes the Mail, and There Goes a Helicopter.


On our recent vacation, I packed a duffel bag full of books on cd, as well as cd players and headphones for each child, and extra batteries. My kids kept themselves entertained solely with that for 16 hours. Your girls may be a little young for that yet, but maybe a favorite story book played on the car cd player would entertain them for an hour or two.

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Not sure what you mean by "silly Disney stuff", but my dc love the 'classic' cartoons. You know, circa 1940's & 50's Disney and Tom & Jerry. They also love the Magic School Bus series (even the 3 yr old), Milo & Otis, and of course the LeapFrog DVD's about phonics & math.

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When my dc were that little, we liked:


Thomas the Tank

Little Bear


Liberty's Kids

Milo and Ottis


I admit to liking the Barney concerts. Dont know what they are like now, but we enjoyed the older ones.


Some of the Sesame Street dvds are good


Veggie Tales are cute, but they can get on my nerves after a while.


Quiggly Village was cute too.

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