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Can you give me some feedback on Notgrass?

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I use Notgrass World History and love it. Here's why...I am not a history buff and neither is my ds. So the short chapters are easy to read. It provides a good discussion tool for us because there are some inferential questions in there - it is not all factual. It's quite an interesting read as far as I am concerned and best of all it was approved by my accreditor - the history part - not the literature part. For me, it works and works well. He is "getting" history whereas before it was just a bunch of facts. That's my two cents.

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I've only used Notgrass World History, and we like it for what it is: a light history text. I used it as part of the My Father's World Ancient History program, but if I hadn't done that, I would have supplemented it with biographies, map work, maybe some historical fiction, etc. It's clear and easy to read. They have an optional corresponding quiz book. I also really like the companion volume that contains primary source documents ("In Their Own Words" or something like that).


Oops, I just remembered that we also used the American History one with my DS a couple of years ago. He liked it because history for him was a "get 'er done" subject, and Notgrass did the trick.



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We used it with our older during our first years of homeschooling. We used World, American and...can't remember at the moment. She got a 30 on the ACT and one of her favorite parts of high school was Notgrass. This year our ds is starting 9th grade. One reason I chose My Father's World high school for him is that they use Notgrass as the foundation of some of the history. However, I really like the fact that they are "beefing it up" with some additional supplements. I would take a look at their high school program and see if it is a fit for you.

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