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How many hours is your 3rd grader's school day?


How many hours does your 3rd grader spend on school each day?  

  1. 1. How many hours does your 3rd grader spend on school each day?

    • One hour a day
    • Two hours a day
    • Three hours a day
    • Four hours a day
    • Five hours a day or more

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I remember 3rd grade notched up a bit. I think 2nd took more like 2.5 or 3 hrs. Then along came 3rd grade - it was definitely at LEAST 3 hrs and maybe 4. However, my DS was more mature and more willing to get up and get his independent work out of the way early. So we seldom went past lunch time anyway.


Those hours are not including physical activity (swimming, baseball, other play time, etc.), outside activities like Cub Scouts, and art/music. I do consider those things part of "school" and learning, but not academic,so not included.


HTH -Stacey in MA

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dropping chemistry and grammar from 3rd grade? I know it may seem drastic, but at that age, you can do nature journaling and have some good science books on the shelves for perusing. Also, since you're doing Latin and Writing Tales, you should be getting enough grammar already.


This is what I started doing after reading Teaching the Trivium. I am currently reading The Latin-Centered Curriculum and it says the same things in regard to science & grammar for a third-grader (and even a 4th grader).


Just an idea to use or toss. :)

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