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Why does my ds7.5 have to remember all the inappropriate moments of a movie?

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For example, we watched Anne of Green Gables recently and he has repeated the part of the movie where Diana gets accidentally drunk. Why? I made sure to mention how sick Diana got, how she couldn't walk or talk right, how it was an accident and how awful Anne felt for mixing up the drinks, etc. when we watched the movie. He knows from the Bible it says not to get drunk, so why does he joyfully repeat the line, "Why the girl is drunk!" and giggle! Why doesn't he have a profound child-like take on it and see the seriousness of it even in his young mind? Why does he have to enjoy it? I'm disappointed in his reaction. We don't drink and aren't regularly around others who do so he's not accustomed to it. My dd5 doesn't repeat it, but giggles when he does. Am I over reacting? How can I help him to understand? I just keep thinking he's privately enjoying it even after I told him it wasn't appropriate to repeat that part of the movie. How can I help him develop a non-enjoyment of those types of issues, even privately? Will that come with maturity? Do children (boys mainly) enjoy or find humor in things they know to be unacceptable? I'm one who looks into the future to what is possible down the road and I'm imagining that he is going to make choices to privately enjoy things that he knows are not good and won't be discerning and discriminating with his life choices or worldview. I know this may sound irrational, but I can't help it! Bear with me... I'm having a mommy-moment I guess... Thanks for listening to my small rant.


(as I re-read this I know we all have the capability to do this, (i.e.. "live in the flesh", sin), but I want to help him be wise and see some result of our training up to this point.)

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Guest Virginia Dawn

IMO, the phrase "profound child-like" is usually an oxymoron. Most 7yo boys just do not know how to be wise.


I think you may be making too much of it. A simple, "that sounded funny didn't it, but just because someone on t.v. says something doesn't mean we need to repeat it" is what I usually go with. The repetitive behaviour which he probably knows is annoying you, is what I would deal with, not the depth of his understanding about drunkenness. That will come with time.

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I think you're taking it too seriously; I think he *is* processing the scene exactly in a child-like way. The scene struck him as funny, that's all. I think you're reading too much meaning into it. His reaction now has nothing to do with his later choices about drugs and alcohol. It was just funny to him. He's too young to process something he's never seen in person the way you want him to. Don't worry about it and move on. If you make too big of a deal over it, you could actually end up intriguing him.

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I don't overreact outwardly, I do just make a simple statement and move on. But, inside, I'm anxious about everything weakness or flaw I see and calculate what the next 20 years will be like! I'm gun-shy too because I have a brother who went that route and lived many, many years the hard way. I see personality similarities in them and I just get scared he won't be wiser than db and so the opposite of what he was raised to do. There are many differences too, though, mainly my dh is a totally different dad than mine was and I know that's makes a huge difference. In fact, that's still an issue with my db to this day at 40 years old! But, still, I lived through his teenage years as a young child and even my adult years dealing with him, and remember all too well the stresses and dysfunction that existed and I don't want that for my ds. I'll come back to reality like I always do, but every now and then I go to the extreme and let anxiety rule. Take a breath and smile, right?

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When I was pregnant with my youngest, my oldest ds was 5 turning 6, and dd was 3 turning 4. We watched "While You Were Sleeping" with Sandra Bullock and Bill Pullman. Well, the one line both children could remember from the movie was "Nice Panties", and much to my embarrassment would repeat it several times. Well, during bedtime prayers that night, my ds asked God to help Mommy quit drinking so the baby would be ok. I just about busted a gut ('cuz I don't drink....alcohol). So I got to explain what kind of drink they were talking about in the movie....It was pretty funny. (And I'm greatful I don't drink!)


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