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Just watched 4 caterpillars form chrysalises!

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My dd often collects monarch caterpillars & we keep them and release them after the butterflies emerge-which is very cool. But we have never actually seen them forming the chrysalises. It was fantastic! A few looked like their skin was splitting up the back, and as it slowly split, the green began to show. But the others started wiggling frantically, and seemed to just push the old skin off, and we watched the green appear. Then, you could still see the caterpillar form through the green skin, and they would twist, twist, twist for a while, and then it would start to harden.


So Cool!! I just wish I had a camera that had a lens that could have focused well enough to capture it all, or a better video camera. Oh, well, maybe this was better, because we were right in the moment.


In addition to the 4 we saw forming, we had 3 others that made theirs overnight, and 2 more that are close. I can't wait to see them all as butterflies!!

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