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Recommendations for VSL Writing

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What would you recommend for a visual spatial kiddo entering 4th that has had little writing, other than some minimal copy work. He is on the young side of 4th (my ds tend to mature later rather than on time). Since he's VSL he hates writing but his mind is filled with oh so much creativity. I saw a sample of the Write Shop Primary 4 (or was it 3) that included the lapbooks for grammar that looked like a viable option? I want to focus on getting him started on writing - creatively or otherwise. I don't learn or think like him so teaching him has always been interesting and what I've found is he needs variety because once the skill has been mastered he needs to move on with something else.


Ideas? I don't mind being the scribe but I need something visual, planned/scheduled - something that keeps me on track, too.

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I'm going to use Bravewriter with The Arrow and WWE3 hopefully moving into 4 next year with my rising 4th grader. Especially if you're looking for a way to get the creativity out of his head and onto paper and yet still have the copywork/narration/dictation as well; I'd say give Bravewriter a try.

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