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Internship - credit or not?

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My daughter has been interning in the youth department of our church all year. Right now it's only been 3 hours a week. She has done everything from making copies, filing, entering student information into their computer system, help set up and organize for special events, keeping the prize store stocked (including placing the inventory orders) and making the schedule for who works the prize store during services, getting slides ready on the computer for service, preparing documents for special events, making phone calls for pricing information for things needed for special events (including local tour bus companies for a summer event), and... I know I could list a lot more if she were sitting beside me right now. :tongue_smilie: This summer she will be interning between 15-20 hours each week. (ETA: She does not get paid.)


So my questions is, would you list this as credit on a transcript or would you just include it in activities? If listing for credit, what would you call it?



FWIW - she is wanting a career in youth ministry. Other activities that she will have listed on her transcript would be: choir, youth missions team, youth drama team, and community service at local soup kitchen.

Edited by atozmom
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