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What do your kids do when they first wake up?

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My kids usually sit on the couch...looking into space:D


I keep a book basket right at the couch, and as soon as they can focus, they read. I have them read for at least a half hour. I am usually up before them.


If I am not up, they come in and jump on me. :lol::lol: yes, even my big kids:glare:

Edited by Mommyfaithe
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We don't do tv in the mornings or much at all really. The boys are allowed to watch one show on Saturday mornings (Sonic:tongue_smilie:) and that's about it. We do some Netflix stuff in the evenings but that is usually as a family. They draw, read, play with legos in the mornings before school and breakfast. TV has never been an issue with them.

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We used to turn the TV on every morning, and finally I just told them that we weren't doing it anymore (except for Saturdays!). After a while, it became normal for them to get up and find something to do. They don't even ask to watch TV anymore in the morning. You can do it! ;)


:iagree: Dh decided to get rid of the livingroom TV and he replaced it with a projector/screen set up. I have NO IDEA how the darn thing works....and purposely refuse to learn.....SO, if they want to watch TV, it has to be in the evening with dad:D


I do have an iPad that we use for school videos and brain pop....BUT, as I also use it for work, we don't get to do that in the morning:D


Anyway.....we found a way to kill our TV....for the same reasons you stated....without completely getting rid of it.



Oh, when I see my kids getting addicted to my ipod touch or the computer...ie Poptropica...I place a no screens rule. This month it is NO SCREENS UNTIL DARK! IOW, no screens . Funny how they find other things to do after I have repeated the rule 200 times....:D

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