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WP God's Design Apologia HomeSchool in the Woods


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Beware of LONG Post. I am hooked on WP. The more I dig into their website, the more in love I become. I do, however, have some questions about how to fit everything in and what to leave out. Let me start with where we have been and my grand plan that will of course, never change. LOL There are many questions along the way.


I think I put this in my signature, but my DD is 2 1/2 and DS is 4 1/2. We did BFIAR last year and had so much fun. I also started MUS Primer with my son and we worked on various fun skill builder books. I plan on doing several Hands Of A Child and Homeschoolshare lapbooks this year covering animals, airplanes, seasons, and holidays. I am supplementing MUS for my DS with Singapore Earlybird/Primer and we use the Learn Every Day Preschool/Advanced Preschool for both. There are also various Bob book type readers that we dabble in each week. My DS will start Music for Little Mozart's with me while DD goes to a KinderMusik class. Both will be enrolled in a multi-sport HS class at the fitness center. In January, we are going to add the Usborne Science activities Vol 2 with the DVD for Daddy and DS to play with, but not the whole Sonlight K Science. We will also add McRuffy Phonics or SSRW if necessary along with A Reason for Handwriting. On the whole, I will be teaching to my son and repeating only some of the earlier lapbooks with DD. She will have math and language appropriate to her as well, but WP will be done together without modification if possible.


DS official K Year

WP- AW - I was going to go with WAM at first, but then decided that AW might make more sense for now considering I want to add HIH next year. AW with HIH seemed like too much with AW.


Music Apprec. - Music, Food, Art appropriate to the regions in AW created by ourselves.


Continue Math-U-See and Singapore, McRuff/SSRW, A Reason for Handwriting, Music for Little Mozart's, KindermusiK, and sports.


CLP Nature Readers 1/2


Hands of A Child/Homeschoolshare Lapbooks to go with AW. Does this sound like too much? I will also repeat some of the earlier lapbooks with DD while DS does harder ones.


Literature Pockets - Caldelott Winners

Nursery Pockets


DS 1st


Continue LA, Math, Music, Sports will now be at our church co-op along with what ever else they are offering.



Usborne Science Vol 1/3 with Sonlight DVD only. This is just for fun and our extremely cold winter months up here.


WP - HIH - I was hesitant with this one since they use MOH in all of their other themes. I still don't know why they chose to include all 4 volumes of SOTW in just this one, but I am sure there is a good reason.


Music History - Music, Food, Art in HIH created by ourselves


2nd Grade

I hope to stay with my usual LA, Math, Music and Sports, but that could all change before or by this point.


WP - AS 1 - and Readers - Would it be possible to make this an 18 mth program and insert Homeschool In the Woods New World Explorers and Colonial Life or would that be too much? I just really like both.


Music History - Music, Food, Art with AS 1 created by ourselves.


Science will be light since AS 1 will be the focus unless you give me a better idea. We were going to play with what ever left over Usborne Science experiments we had and focus on the Human Body. Maybe use God's Design Human Body with Hands of A Child lapbooks??


CLP Nature Readers 3/4


3rd Grade

WP - Rock Around the Earth. Anyone use this yet? There is also a Hands of A Child Lapbook (Rodney the Rock Hound), that we might use at the end of 2nd to preface the idea.


WP - AS 2 - with Readers - Same question as above, but with Homeschool In the Woods American Rev. and Early 19th??


4th Grade

Here is where it gets messy....

I LOVE Adventures of Sea and Sky, but I was planning on Apologia and I like God's Design too. I do like the idea of combining astronomy with the sea instead of an entire year on each. Would it be possible to still include one of these texts into Sea and Sky. If so, which one would be best and why. Too much??


This was about the point I got bleary-eyed last night, so I will have more questions for grades 5-8 later. There are many...........



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This looks very similar to my sequence, except you're starting a lot earlier and using HIH (which wasn't available to me for first grade).


I would save WAM to go with AS1 (that's what I'm doing this year for grade 2). HIH includes a science workbook, or you could fit in some Apologia or God's Design if you want here.


We will also be doing Sea and Sky for fourth grade (I think), bringing along younger ds with the Younger Learner Guide. I would never, never add Apologia to that. I believe S&S to be a full science and full history program in one theme.


You can always use Apologia/God's Design along with Quest for the Ancient World and American Crossings when you get that far. Don't use the Time Travellers CD with AS1 or AS2. It is integrated into AC1/AC2 (it's the spine, even). It's designed for later elementary.

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Thanks, that was a big help. I had not looked past 4th grade level stuff, so I didn't know about the American Crossing content.


Here is what I am thinking now; not that there isn't plenty of time to change everything. LOL


HIH has a "K" package, so I think I am going to back that up and do it with AW next year for ages 4/6. We are doing The World God Made now even though I do see it in HIH. That's OK, so I think the AW will work here.


1st grade

WAM and AS 1


2nd Grade

God's Design Human Body and possibly Plants with additional lap books.

WP - American Story 2


3rd Grade

Rock Around The Earth ??

Children around the World



Sea/Sky - Can't wait for this one!


5th - American Crossing 1

Not sure about science from here. Maybe Winter Promise will have more cool stuff by this time. Apologia is great, but we will have really already gone through all of those topics.


6th - American Crossing 2 ??


7th - 9th - All of the Quests


Again, hoping for more cool things in High School from them.


How does that look? Should the Quests come before or after AC? They don't have their newer units on their website under scope/sequence.

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You really really DON'T want to do Both AW and HIH. Since you want to do HIH first, do WAM first. Then you can stretch AW out with AS1 and AS2. AW is really really too full to do another full theme alongside it. I did *only* AW with my first grader, no history at all. The reason for saving WAM to go with AS1 was that AW is too full to go with AS1.


Here's a possible sequence:






AS1 and half of AW



AS2 and half of AW



Children Around the World

Rock Around the Earth or Shoot & Sprout/Buzz & Bite



Sea and Sky


I would do the Quest 4-6 series before repeating American History.


I will say that I purposely waited till ds was in second grade before beginning AS1. I really didn't want to "waste" a year working with wonderful material he would enjoy and understand more a year later. Your family might have different levels of understanding, though.


I really wish that I had used I'm Ready to Learn with my older the year before we did AW. He is still enjoying the themes of Farm, Zoo, Pond and Garden along with his almost 4yo brother. As it is now, I have to fit IRTL in between our other themes and can't do it justice.

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