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Art curricula recommendations?

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I have been looking for an art instruction course for my 3 sons (8y-3rd g, 7y-2nd g, and 5y-K) ..preferably a video based course. It doesn't have to be anything crazy challenging..but I would like it to be constructive and enjoyable..I had looked at CBD and found Barry Stebbing's Basic and Intermediate Drawing..This would be great and would fit right into my budget..(I don't really want to spend much over $50 for a program bc I was factoring in the cost of supplies for 3 kids who know how to go through them.) But before I purchased, I wanted to check here for opinions..or even a recommendation for another option.


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My kids have been enjoying Mark Kistler's drawing lessons. They've only been doing it a short while, but I've already seen improvement. You can get a year subscription for the whole family through Homeschool Buyer's Co-op for $39.95. I think the offer expires at the end of this month. It is online video based, and doesn't require any instruction from you. There are a few free videos on his website that you can try to see if you like them. My kids love it!

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Guest benan27

I have three boys, 12, 10, & 7, and a girl, 4. We have not been successful at doing art in our homeschool, and I would really like to try. I'm looking at Artistic Pursuits and Atelier (though it looks like I just missed a great sale from HSBC!:tongue_smilie:).


We tried Stebbing's How Great Thou Art w/DVDs a couple of years back, but got bored with coloring with dots and stripes over and over.


I am not at all artistic, and kind of cringe when I think of sitting down to do art, but I really want my kiddos to have some art experience!


Any suggestions?

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I'm not artistic AT ALL, but DH is and several of my children show promise in drawing. Unfortunately, DH never seems to find the time to teach many art lessons. I was thrilled when I found Mark Kistler. Come to find out, he was a major inspiration to DH when he was a kid through his PBS show.


I've actually listed all the videos (by name) into Homeschool Tracker and assigned them to the kids. They have to do 3 drawings per week, plus any they want to do extra. This way it ensures they actually cover all the lessons. I'm able to insert a link in the assignment, so they go directly to the drawing lesson page and just click on the assigned lesson.


I just uploaded a couple of my 7yo's drawings. They're not the best pictures, but you get the idea. You can see them on my picasa album here

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It's not on DVD, but both of my children love "Draw! Write! Now!" They will sit for hours drawing out of the themed books. I just purchased the history set (meant for older kids) and was going to stash them away until my kids were older, but my dd found them and I can't get her to do anything else lately!

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It's not on DVD, but both of my children love "Draw! Write! Now!"


My kids have used the Draw Write Now books for years and loved them! They're practically worn out...lol. We've never done anything formal with them, just let the kids "play" with them. I do believe that Mark Kistler is taking them to a much more sophisticated level with drawing, though. He teaches all about shading and perspective, skills needed to draw realistically. I love that he teaches these concepts, yet at the same time he's really fun! He usually makes up a story about what he's drawing and the kids get such a kick out of it. :) I've tried having my older kids watch some drawing lessons on youtube. But they're usually so technical and dry that my kids just don't get into it.

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