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success with classical education?


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I've just started reading The Well Trained Mind. I'm not sure if I fully agree with all of the ideas. But I haven't read enough yet. What I'm wondering if you could share success stories with me for those of you actually following the classical method and ideas from the book. (It seems like plenty of the forum members here do not follow the method very closely??). And did you find success with classical method even for a left brained, mathy, engineering mind child? (he wants to process information even at age 6 and build things, make physics type connections, etc. and I'm not seeing much room for that with the classical method.)


perhaps I should post though on a forum for parents of older students and many reading here still have just younger children.

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My 14 year old is very mathy and plans to be an engineer. He is doing very well with classical education. He believes that Latin and Greek are benefits to him, and plans to continue them in high school. His memory has been trained through memorizing and reciting long pieces of poetry - he loves to do this.


I did not follow TWTM's recommendations for science in the elementary and middle grades. We more or less unschooled science. We read science books, watched documentaries, and went to museums. He participated in Lego robotics teams. He's teaching himself computer programming, with his dad and a family friend as mentors.


TWTM is an excellent, rigorous model of education, but certainly you should tweak it to fit your own needs. Also, it's not the only model of classical education. At any rate, we have found plenty of room for my left-brained mathy kid to explore and excel in math and science.

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I wouldn't draw too many conclusions about your child at six. Among my own and those of my friends, what they're doing at six isn't necessarily the way they're headed at sixteen. Mine have changed a lot since we began homeschooling some twelve years ago.


We've always classically educated, but I was lighter than WTM in the K-2nd years. I have absolutely no regrets. Mine are prepared for a variety of fields, and I'm sure will do fine. Mine are still at home, but are functioning at a college level while still doing high school with me.


My father and I were both classically educated and multilingual, and we both went through Great Books programs in college and ended up in scientific research. Being able to write and speak well is a significant advantage in a technical field.

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