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I need imput

Guest tigke

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Guest tigke

im in 8th grade and my writing teacher gave a speech assignment for the end of the year. the topic is who inspires you and I have written it and I am open to questions, comments and concerns you all may have






Michel Lotito was a man with an amazing gift. Do you know what that gift was? It was the gift to eat anything and when I say anything I mean anything. Over the course of this speech you will hear all the recorded things he ate like a forty meter chain for example. Michel Lotito or his fake name Monsieur Mangetout (mister eat all the things) is inspiring to me because of his strange mutation. He could eat anything and he was not afraid to show what he could do


Michel Lotito is not like most people. He had a lot of help to get that metal down. His stomach and his intestines are twice as thick as the average persons. And he had stomach acid that is twice as corrosive as the average person. Of course this amazing gift did not come without a price. He said that bananas and hard boiled eggs made him sick. Michel had a strange mental disorder called pica, a mental disorder that causes people to compulsively eat non food item such as plastic or dirt. He was diagnosed with this disease at the age of nine when he started munching on parts of the family TV set.


Now for the fun part of this essay. Finding out what he ate. Over the course of his life he ate 18 bikes, 15 shopping carts, 7 televisions, 6 chandeliers, 2 beds, a pair of skis, a computer, a coffin, a small section of the Eiffel tower and a 150 Cessna aircraft. The aircraft took him over 2 years to eat and lots of people have tried to beat his time but all have failed. All those things are inspiring to me because it is to cool and I want to be able to do something like that.


Michel Lotito is inspiring mostly because he turned his affliction into a career. How many people with turrets have turned there mental problem into something they could use in a career? And with all the other mental heath problems some people have how many people have ever taken the time to figure out how to turn this there way? How many people have done this task? I do not know that answer but if I had to guess I would say less than one thousand have ever done this.


Michel Lotito was a man with something that he could not control I one way so he hopped on and hoped for the best. He took risks with all that steel that he ate every single day. And that my fellow class mates is why Michel Lotito is inspiring because of his strange mutation, his ability to eat anything and that he was not afraid of being different. Sadly he died on June 25, 2007 of natural causes and is buried at the Grenoble Cemetery

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Tigke -


Here are some thoughts. First, what an interesting person to choose! He certainly had a unique talent.


I realize that you said that you are going to give this as speech, but are you going to have to hand in a written version? In case you are, I'll point out a couple of spelling errors and other errors.


Michel Lotito was a man with an amazing gift. Do you know what that gift was? It was the gift to eat anything and when I say anything, I mean anything. Over the course of this speech (take this out - show us instead.) you will hear all the recorded things he ate like a forty meter chain for example. Michel Lotito or his fake name Monsieur Mangetout (mister eat all the things)(Is this the translation of the French? Capitalize the words in that case.) is inspiring to me because of his strange mutation. (Was it a mutation? or a condition?He could eat anything and he was not afraid to show what he could do(you need some punctuation here.)


Michel Lotito is not like most people.(He's dead, right? Make this paragraph past tense. This is only the first place where you need to change the tense.) He had a lot of help to get that metal down. His stomach and his intestines are twice as thick as the average persons.This needs an apostrophe because you are really saying that is twice as thick as the average person's stomach and intestines. And he had stomach acid that is twice as corrosive as the average person.Need a possessive there again.) Of course this amazing gift did not come without a price. He said that bananas and hard boiled eggs made him sick. Why did they make him sick? Michel had a strange mental disorder called pica, a mental disorder that causes people to compulsively eat non food item such as plastic or dirt. He was diagnosed with this disease at the age of nine when he started munching on parts of the family TV set.


Now for the fun part of this essay. Take this out again. Show us!Finding out what he ate. Over the course of his life he ate 18 bikes, 15 shopping carts, 7 televisions, 6 chandeliers, 2 beds, a pair of skis, a computer, a coffin, a small section of the Eiffel tower and a 150 Cessna aircraft. The aircraft took him over 2 years to eat and lots of people have tried to beat his time but all have failed. All those things are inspiring to me because it is to cool and I want to be able to do something like that.


Michel Lotito is inspiring mostly because he turned his affliction into a career. How many people with turrets spelled incorrectly. The word you typed means that he had towers.;) have turned there their) mental problem into something they could use in a career? And with all the other mental heath problems some people have, how many people have ever taken the time to figure out how to turn this there their way? How many people have done this task? I do not know that answer but if I had to guess I would say less than one thousand have ever done this.


Michel Lotito was a man with something that he could not control I I? one way so he hopped on and hoped for the best. He took risks with all that steel that he ate every single day. And that my fellow class mates is why Michel Lotito is inspiring because of his strange mutation, his ability to eat anything and that he was not afraid of being different. Sadly, he died on June 25, 2007 of natural causes and is buried at the Grenoble Cemetery(need punctuation here)

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You have great advice from Jean.:)


After reading your speech, I did wonder HOW he made a living from his affliction. Did he do performances? Join a circus? Get sponsors? If you have time in your speech, I think this would be interesting info to include.


Overall very interesting . I hope your speech goes well.

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Now for the fun part of this essay. Finding out what he ate. Over the course of his life he ate 18 bikes, 15 shopping carts, 7 televisions, 6 chandeliers, 2 beds, a pair of skis, a computer, a coffin, a small section of the Eiffel tower and a 150 Cessna aircraft. The aircraft took him over 2 years to eat and lots of people have tried to beat his time but all have failed. All those things are inspiring to me because it is to cool and I want to be able to do something like that.


Do you truly want to be able to eat metal objects? That is an unusual ambition! If so, I think some explanation of why you aspire to that goal would be helpful here. It isn't something most people would find desirable.


If that isn't what you meant, then I would suggest rewording the bolded sentence.


Michel Lotito is inspiring mostly because he turned his affliction into a career. How many people with turrets have turned there mental problem into something they could use in a career? And with all the other mental heath problems some people have how many people have ever taken the time to figure out how to turn this there way? How many people have done this task? I do not know that answer but if I had to guess I would say less than one thousand have ever done this.
I would advise you to leave out the bolded sentence. If you don't have the facts, made-up numbers don't add anything to your story. Instead, talk about what you do know. Perhaps you could discuss obstacles that people with mental illness face in life or statistics on the number of people who suffer from pica, if you have time to do a bit more research.


I enjoyed reading your speech and learning about this man. What an unusual life!

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