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Do I want a Kindle or a Nook?

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I know this is older, but I just wanted to give a warning for those considering Nook colors. Three of my kids have one. They've had them since Christmas. All three have had the cords die already. The ax adapters buzz and make me scared of house fires.


Before you get one, I highly suggest you read the cord reviews:http://www.barnesandnoble.com/reviews/NOOK-Color-NOOK-Tablet-Charging-Cable-in-Asphalt/23055743?startat=41


They are expensive to replace, do not last long, and you can NOT use anything else to charge the nc. So buyer beware. If I would have known this, my kids would have gotten Fires.


I've been lucky, so far, with my NC cord. Fingers crossed!


This sounds a lot like the Apple/Mac power cords. We've had to replace 4 of them, including one that was SPARKING! Scary stuff. Apple had to settle a class action lawsuit. I wonder if Barnes and Noble will face the same thing.

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I'll be thrilled if/when Amazon allows Kindle owners to listen to audio books from the library for free.


With a Kindle Fire, I can do this. I was able to download and install the android Overdrive app, and it works great. So they're getting there -- now it just needs to extend to the other models.

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