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Easy but unique salmon recipe?

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I would grill the salmon. Everything tastes better when grilled.


I usually marinate our salmon with a few standards and then implement a few variations to add a little variety. My kids eat it like crazy. I am needing to buy bigger fillets, they love it so much. Good Luck!


Always Includes:

Minced Garlic (lots of)

Soy Sauce

Brown Sugar




Pineapple Juice

Orange Juice

Honey Teriyaki Sauce

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I've done this one many times. It's easy and very tasty. Even my super picky son will eat it.




Some form of this looks easiest for tonight since I have all the ingredients.


Salmon Wrapped in Filo Dough I've eaten something similar to this. I've always wanted to try making it ;)


I'll have to keep this in mind for another time. My son is allergic to wheat though so I have to figure something else out for him.


I would grill the salmon. Everything tastes better when grilled.


I usually marinate our salmon with a few standards and then implement a few variations to add a little variety. My kids eat it like crazy. I am needing to buy bigger fillets, they love it so much. Good Luck!


I'd love to grill but it's rainning and dh is a purist so we only have a big charcoal grill. My kids love it and eat a ton, too. Wish I could find a cheaper source for wild caught!


Thanks for the ideas! Lots to experiment with in the future.

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Well, if grilling is out...


Take fresh spinach, diced onion (little bit), marscapone or ricotta, panko bread crumbs, S&P and make a goop in a bowl. Grease a cookie sheet and press the goop into the top of the salmon and bake.


Another variation on the "Goop Topping":


Diced craisins, garlic, onion, panko breadcrumbs, parmesan & S &P (add a little OJ to make the stuff stick)


Good Luck!


(Sorry I don't have time to pull the actual recipes to give you quantities, etc. But I have to go feed my own ravenous wolves now. I don't want a riot!)

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