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Executive function issue and standardized testing

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Have those with these types of kids noticed varied test outcomes, (we have been doing the SAT10)? My oldest had done well the last 2 years on testing, but this year was much lower in some of the categories.


His Lexile reading score was cut in half! He is an avid and good reader. His math was much lower and the proctor told me he was having trouble staying focused that day and looking out the window a great deal! My husband is beside himself!


My son had mostly above average scores, but more in the standard category this year. He does well in math at home (some days he can have many silly mistakes and others he has none) and he can do reading comprehension well too.


Some days it can take him 6 hours to get through his work and others 3!


He was at a homeschool coop, he is not used to, so we are considering testing him by himself next year.


Any advice would be greatly appreciated.


In the meantime, I just bought a few reading comprehension workbooks to plug through. And, we plan to spend more time on test prep, but I'm not sure that will help in. Thanks.

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DS started taking the SAT-10 in 3rd grade, maybe? The SAT-10 is normed to other kids, and I don't make a big deal about the test. It's nice if they do well, but I'm not losing sleep over it if they test poorly. I'm also not going to practice ahead of the test. Why stress yourself and your child? That is what ps teachers do.


For next year, ensure your child is well fed and gets plenty of sleep. Talk to someone ahead of time so that your DS isn't sitting by a window. Our co-op for next year accommodates. Kids are pulled and tested separately. They use calculators and can even have a person read the test to them.

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