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Ridgewood Grammar by EPS Books?


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I really like it. For our LA curr. we use LLATL, so I wanted, starting in about 4th grade, a grammar curriculum that isn't over the top, very basic, with lots of review and drills. Ridgewood Grammar is what I chose. I've been very pleased with it.


It's 3 books starting with the basic parts of speech in book 1 and working towards more in depth grammar by book 3. There is a good amount of diagramming and teaching of proper punctuation with different parts of speech. The lessons are easy to understand and I really didn't need to do much teaching with it. The dc didn't mind doing it, actually, they looked forward to it. After doing all 3 books by the end of 6th grade, my dd was able to handle the more complicated grammar in the Green book for LLATL without any problems.


I think it's a great program, and very affordable. I didn't buy the teacher's manuals so I don't know about those.



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Well, I love the Harry Potter books and movies myself. But my kids are not interested in them. Thanks for the heads up. How do you like LLATL?

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Well, I love the Harry Potter books and movies myself. But my kids are not interested in them. Thanks for the heads up. How do you like LLATL?


If I remember, there are only a few references. Luckily, my kids are as into Harry Potter as I am. :)


We used Ridgewood and I was pleased with it. Good way to cement the basics, and they incude diagramming.

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Well, I love the Harry Potter books and movies myself. But my kids are not interested in them. Thanks for the heads up. How do you like LLATL?



We like it a lot here. I've used it for all 3 dc from the Blue book through the Gray book. It's worked well for us here so far and I have 3 dc with 3 very different learning styles and apptitudes for LA. I haven't had to supplement it too much, which is great, too.

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