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cooking w/o a kitchen (picnic ideas)

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I ran out of time to go grocery shopping.


We're off on a little road trip tomorrow, two hours to get to a park, four hours there, then two hours to get home. I can stop at the grocery store on the way there to pick up stuff to make for lunch and dinner while we're on the road, but I can't get back to my kitchen after going to the grocery. What should I get? What can I make out in the middle of nowhere that will feed all my guys, twice, on a day when we'll have been running around being physical kind of a lot more than usual?


It has to be gluten-free and vegetarian, and not a sandwich or a salad.


Here's what I have so far:


oranges and chocolate sauce (for a treat)

apples and peanut butter on rice cakes

cheddar cheese on gluten-free crackers

Fritos and I'll bring all the stuff to make guacamole


I think that will make a fine lunch-of-snacks. What to feed us after we've been running around for several hours and craving a hearty meal, though?

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