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All Through the Ages Guide???


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I got a reply from an email. It said they are still waiting on an exact date from the publisher and they'll contact me when they get a date. I am seriously thinking of just asking for my pp to be refunded, but then I hear wonderful things about the book :confused:

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I ordered mine at the beginning of April, then emailed two weeks later to ask about the status (since I hadn't received any confirmation of the order, except that my PayPal account had been charged.) She responded saying that printing was delayed until the end of April (estimated). I emailed her again at the beginning of June to find out if they would be shipping soon and haven't heard back.


Since I do all of my pre-reading during the summer, and have already started compiling our 2nd grade reading list through other sources and by doing my own hunting, I've been debating whether I should wait it out, or ask for a refund and cancel the order. (Sigh.)


However, I did do a search for her weblog and found some updates there:


On June 11th, she said they would be shipping in two weeks:



She also posted about the updates to the revised edition:



So maybe we'll all be hearing something soon?

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