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Anything like RFP Aesop series ?


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DS1 struggles with writing - really struggles. He is doing WWE2, and he just finished the series of four workbooks by RFP that are short versions of Aesop's Fables, followed by some exercises - in particular, looking at a picture, and writing one sentence about the picture.


This process of read the story, look at the simple picture, and compose and write one sentence has been tremendously helpful for him- in a huge way. When he started the series, that one sentence was terribly hard. Now he does it easily and with pleasure. I would love to continue this, and find another series that is similar to this format, with a short story, an illustration from the story, and an assignment to write something very brief about the picture.


If anyone has recommendations, I would appreciate it. I will also clarify that I am looking for non-religious stories. Thank you !

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I don't know if there is a program like this, but I wanted to comment anyways because our Aesop set just arrived in the mail yesterday for my DS! It looks great! I am so excited! I wanted to use it for next year, in second grade for him, but I'm so tempted to use it now, at least the first book. I can see why you wish for another like this. Maybe you could take the idea on your own and come up with something?

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