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Looking for input on Writing With Ease


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Hello :D

I have not used WWE yet and was interested in what others had to say about it. I have three boys ages 10, 7 and 5 and was interested in it for the oldest two. I have not seen the books before so I would love to hear more about it. Should you get both the book and workbook? Also since we have not used it before, would it be better to begin with book 1?


Thanks for your thoughts!

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I love WWE and have used it since my oldest were in K and 1st. (They are in 3rd and 4th now and using WWS.) There are four books in the WWE series. Each one provides lessons in narration, dictation, and copywork based on short, engaging passages from children's lit. My kids found the lessons to be fun and I have been impressed with how well the program really does work over time.


I'd start your 7yo in WWE 1. If your 5yo is ready, he/she could start there as well. Your 10yo could start there or with a later level. I believe there are placement tests/guides for each level provided on the website.


Hope that helps! I don't think you could go wrong with WWE.


Melissa :)

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I think your 10-year old could start in level 3, your 7-year old in level 1 (if he hasn't done writing before), and let your 5 year old do copywork.


I purchased WWE3 (the workbook and student pages) and The Complete Writer (the instructor's text). After a few weeks, we gradually transitioned to only using The Complete Writer, pulling narration and dictation passages from the scheduled science, history, and literature. If you are concerned about writing getting done, WWE is very open-and-go. I felt the workbook was just adding additional work that I could incorporate into other subjects.


The Complete Writer helped me structure the school day. My children's schoolwork is writing oriented. We read something, and then the kids have an assigned writing exercise. My ds9 is required to provide 2-5 good sentences a day, whether it's narration, writing, or dictation. Depending on the day, he writes about history, science, or literature. I've seen great improvement in his willingness to write; the other day he filled two pages of a notebook with an original story.


My youngest rotates between tracing and copying sentences pulled from her phonics readers. Once she's done writing, she draws a picture. I switch up her writing so we cover basic grammar through her writing.

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