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Do I need a Health curric?

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Is there any reason why I should use a Health curric? I've had "the talk" with the girls (turning 10 & 12 this fall). It is an on-going, open discussion, as they know I'm not embarrassed to talk about it:) We talk about puberty, we talk about strong emotions and how that will be affected by what's happening in their bodies. We talk about relationships, romance, the s** word. We talk about our religious beliefs (we're Christian) and how that affects our decisions in regards to boyfriends, marriage, babies; but also how other people may not make those same decisions (unwed moms, giving babies up for adoption, etc.) I've lost 50 lbs this year, and yeah, that's sparked a whole lot of talk about making healthy eating choices, exercise, etc. We talk about drug addiction, and other choices we make in life that can lead to addiction if we aren't careful (overeating, video games, gambling, alcohol, etc.) We wear seatbelts in the car, helmets on our heads when we bike, and talk about making good, safe choices in every day life. So. Is there any reason why I would need a Health curriculum? I remember my Health education in public school and can sum it up in one word: Lame. We watched outdated movies about our bodies and giggled. In 7th grade (when everything mattered) we had to sing this stupid song in class to boost our self confidence ("I am special"). And in 8th gr, we watched a movie about 2 mentally retarded people that wanted to get married. I guess I wonder if there is any value in a Health curric? I'm not sure why the heavy focus on self-esteem; does this really boost student self esteem?

Ok, so...if we need a Health curric, can you suggest a good one?

BTW, we use Elemental Science Biology and will be hitting the human body unit soon, but I don't think Health is a part of it.

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