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Teachers Lounge 4-18-2012

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Almost time to open the cabana, folks! At least here, where it's in the 90s today and destined for the low 100s by the end of the week. :glare::tongue_smilie:


Talk to me, mamacitas!


How's school going? We're pretty much off (again) this week as it is dd's Production Week. DS and I are just hanging out, working on the house, etc. Next week will be three days of school and then I AM OUTTA HERE. Just me. Going to Wyoming. Woohoo! kids get to stay home with their noses in their books. :lol: Yeah, we'll see how that goes!


Lunch today was Chik-Fil-A. Yum!


What's your weather like? Are your kids asking to go swimming yet? See above and YES!


Talk to me! :bigear:

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