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Another Greek question

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Dd(11) announced that she would like to learn Greek.


What is the difference between Attic and Koine Greek? Are either of them "modern" Greek, as in spoken in Greece today?


What is the easiest, friendliest program available for an 11 year old who doesn't like workbooks (not a visual learner)?


BTW, I know NO Greek beyond the letters commonly used in math.

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Koine is the Greek that the New Testament was written in; Attic is older. Neither is modern Greek.


The only programs with which I am familiar are the kind seminary students use and Elementary Greek. We love EG and it is working well for ds10, but it is workbook-y. However, it does have flashcards and an audio CD, so you might be able to make it work for you.


I believe Parsons put out Koine Greek software, but I have no experience with it.

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As Julie already said, Attic is the older of the two and is referred to as "classical" Greek. Koine came from Attic and is more simplified. The two are very similar, and it would be very easy to go from Attic to Koine. Going from Koine to Attic would require more work, but Koine would still provide a good start for a child who would later want to study Attic. The vocabulary of modern Greek is very different from either of these.

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