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11yo dd said something very disturbing last night...

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A child is not going to come to you and say, "I'm depressed." But they might say something like, "I don't feel like life is worth living." It is a cry for help; she is telling you that she needs your help to manage how discouraged she feels. She has let you in on her inmost feelings by saying this. Tread lightly; by all means, don't imply that she should just "pull herself up by her own bootstraps." This could shut her down and cause her not to share with you the next time she feels discouraged, because she would feel that you don't understand her.


You should probably get her evaluated by a doctor. My family has tendencies to depression (two members have committed suicide over the years). As a teen I used to feel overwhelmed, but felt like I couldn't stop doing anything because I wanted to be good at everything (and externally, it looked like I was excelling in every area). I struggled deeply with depression during my college years & succumbed to an eating disorder. If my mother had recognized the symptoms and I'd been taken in to be evaluated, many of these struggles might have been avoided - of course, anti-depressants were not prescribed as much back then, so maybe I would not have gotten what I needed anyway.


I now take a low-dose of generic Zoloft daily, and it has helped tremendously with all kinds of things. I hope my comments help; with your husband's background, it is possible your daughter will need some assistance with overcoming her hopeless feelings. Being low on certain body chemicals is not a sin or fault. Thank God that there is medicine now to help with continual feelings of deep discouragement.


:iagree: Almost word for word my story. I would take this seriously and consider getting her help. I don't believe it's just drama. BUT if it is, then a child psychologist can help there, too!

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