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Your Funnest Reading Practice Ideas...


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My son (5 yrs old) is around lesson 80 of OPGTR. He is doing great with it, but I feel like we are both getting a little burnt out and bored with it right now (even with all of my extra little ways I try to make it more exciting for him--letter tiles, white board, making little books, etc). I just feel like we need to take a little break from it and do some really FUN stuff with reading. I definately want to go back to it, and I don't want to completely take a break from phonics all together because I want him to keep practicing and improving fluency.


I started this one game with him where I write a list of words and he has to "speed read" them (read them without sounding them out) and he crosses off the ones he is able to to the first time and leaves the ones he cant, then hegoes back and tries the missed ones again until he gets them all. He loves this. I would like to find a couple more activities like this to just help him practice.


Thanks for any ideas you can share!

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I have laminated flashcards for all the phonics sounds and so during bath time I pick a few that I can make words out of to teach the next sound (for example we did the AR sound last night) and then I will put them on the tiles in the bath (wet and stick) and tell stories using the words and switching cards.


eg d-ar-n, there is a l-ar-k in the bathroom! H-ar-k, can you hear it? Listen, maybe it is under the bubbles (- much splashing while trying to find it) and then I will put up some letters with the same sound that do not spell a word but we sound it out anyway and she laughs which gives us a breather. That l-ar-k needs to go to a f-ar-m. Wait, wait, it will come to some h-ar-m if you don't pick it up carefully! (More acting out of the story in the bath) Listen to what the bird is saying: (and some more nonsense words) - I think it needs you to teach it to speak correctly. (At this point she can play with eth cards herself if she wants to - usually she doesn't much though)


That is usually long enough for my daughter. And as long as there is plenty of splashing and acting out she is happy and the one year old gets handed the cards we are finished with to dump in the water so she is happy too.

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I have laminated flashcards for all the phonics sounds and so during bath time I pick a few that I can make words out of to teach the next sound (for example we did the AR sound last night) and then I will put them on the tiles in the bath and tell stories using the words and switching cards.


eg d-ar-n, there is a l-ar-k in the bathroom! H-ar-k, can you hear it? Listen, maybe it is under the bubbles (- much splashing while trying to find it) and then I will put up some letters with the same sound that do not spell a word but we sound it out anyway and she laughs which gives us a breather. That l-ar-k needs to go to a f-ar-m. Wait, wait, it will come to some h-ar-m if you don't pick it up carefully! (More acting out of the story in the bath) Listen to what the bird is saying: (and some more nonsense words) - I think it needs you to teach it to speak correctly. (At this point she can play with eth cards herself if she wants to - usually she doesn't much though)


That is usually long enough for my daughter. And as long as there is plenty of splashing and acting out she is happy and the one year old gets handed the cards we are finished with to dump in the water so she is happy too.




My son would love that. He loves to make up stories and put on "plays" so that is right up his ally. I also have an almost 2 year old who I think would get a kick out of participating in the acting out part. Always a bonus when I can figure out what to do with her while we are doing school stuff. :001_smile:

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