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Would you wear this to a semi-formal event?

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I guess I'm technologically challenged.


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Please ignore the dumb look on my face. Would you wear this dress, but maybe with dressy sandals instead, to a semi-formal renewing of vows and dinner starting at 4pm tonight? It's an ourdoor event.


It's not really a semi-formal outfit though, is it? My other choices are very black and I'd hate to wear all black to a renewing of vows.


Would you wear it?

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I will say that black at weddings isn't the taboo it used to be. We went to an evening wedding in January and I wore a black skirt&sweater w/ a colored shirt underneath. I fit in with what other people were wearing. Mixture of black and colors. Then, I was in a wedding in April for my sister. Our bridesmaids dresses were black cocktail dresses.

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I'm in Canada and I *never* go to fancy-anything in the summer. I wore the dress in the picture to a dressy but not formal dinner a couple of months ago. I could lose the jacket and maybe even pick up a black shawl or something on my way there (did I mention it's 4pm tonight?!). Because these kinds of events have always happened in the winter all I have are very wintery wraps.


I just perused my closet and my only other choice for tonight would be a long black crepe dress that has kind of a swirly part on the bottom (below the knees). It's long and black and I'm shaped rather like a rectangle now so it enhances the lack of waist I'm currently experiencing. It also feels rather formal. I've worn it to semi-formal dinners at Christmas as well as a black tie ball in London. But, maybe if I wore my hair down and wore simple jewelry it wouldn't look formal.


Knowing the crowd I'm not sure that I'd be terribly out of place in something less formal.


And I apologize for taking up board space with my silly dilemma. But, dh is out of town, my mom lives far away and is working right now so can't even take a phone call, and I can't reach my sister. You're all I've got right now ;)

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OK, sorry, but no, it should be longer or fancier for semi formal. Black is now fine for a wedding, and definitely for renewing of vows, although better if it is in the evening. If you have time, you should look at a goodwill--you will be truly shocked at the fancy dresses they have their for less than cleaning one of yours! But I would not wear this to something semi-formal. I think you will end up feeling very uncomfortable.



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I don't think it looks too wintery. I personally don't wear sleeveless dresses even here in the south. You said earlier it's about knee length and then does down. If that's the case I think this would do well for a semi-formal. Does it go all the way to the floor, if so that would be too formal. I like this one better than the other one. Pair it with a plain silver necklace and some black shoes and you should be fine.

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Thanks, everyone.


I ended up wearing the shorter dress with a black wrap and I put my hair up. Final picture is here if it doesn't show up below. And thank goodness I didn't wear the long one - people ranged from very casual to formal with most people in the smart-casual range. I was one of the more dressed up people.




Thank you, thank you, thank you!!!

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