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Trying to decide: Biology-BJU or Dive

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My son will be doing biology next year and I'm trying to decide between using BJU Biology with the BJU DVD's, or using the BJU Biology text with DIVE. My son is currently using BJU's Physical science along with the DIVE'S Integrated Chemistry and Physics CD and has been doing well, so I had just planned to continue on with DIVE for Biology. However, my son has now expressed a possible interest in medical school, so I want to make sure he has a very thorough biology course. We live in Canada so we don't have the CLEP option or AP, but he will need to write the SAT2.


I understand that the main difference between the two is the amount of time spent listening to lectures (daily with BJU as opposed to weekly with DIVE). My son is very bright and has had no trouble understanding the concepts presented this year despite only having a weekly DIVE lecture, but Biology is harder, and his Biology marks is going to be very important if he wants to go to med school. I don't want to mess it up. I guess I sort of feel like using the DIVE CD is taking a shortcut. Am I wrong in thinking this? What would you do? Do DIVE, add in an SAT2 prep book, and stop stressing so much? Go with full BJU? Or what about doing DIVE and adding in more of the BJU materials, like the chapter review questions, or the tests? :bigear:

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We chose DIVE because of less lecture time and because we already use DIVE with Saxon. Because you're already familiar with that format, that would be a plus in my mind as well. My general impression having watched both is that Dr. Shormann runs a little more higher-level in his lectures and approach.


Certainly you need a rigorous biology class, but both are rigorous and will get you to the same place.

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We are using BJU Physical Science DVDs this year, but are going to try the DIVE CD next year with Biology. The BJU DVDs are really good, but they take up a ton of time. I also find that there's a lot of repetition in the PS DVDs. Mr. Harmon will explain the same concept 3 different ways. It really drives my daughter crazy. :) If your DS is good at science, it would probably bother him as well (assuming Biology is the same way).


I thinking adding the BJU chapter questions and maybe the tests would be a good way to add to the course. I may do the same thing myself.

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I personally would go with the BJU DVDs. I prefer thorough, and BJUs classes may be repetative...though we have not found this to be the case for physical Sci but we have Miss Lacy and not Mr. Harmon...but they ARE thorough and helpful in getting your child to learn the material.


But, having said that, my understanding is that some colleges are VERY picky about the biology taught but perhaps this is in premed studies and not at the high school level. With your student thinking medical school you MIGHT want to investigate just in case.

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