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Good grammar program for a 10th grade?

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My DS has been in PS most of his education. he came home for 8th went back for 9th and his home for the rest of high school.


He has no idea when it comes to grammar or sentence structure. He can write a sentence and the tenses don't match or not a complete thought and I will read it back to him and he will say it sounds fine. Not sure if it is laziness or what.


We used Easy Grammar this year and I am not that thrilled with it. before you ask, No i have not been teaching it to him. He is using the TG worksheets and I removed the answers from the back of the book.


So should should i continue with Easy Grammar but teach it? or try something else like Analytical Grammar? He will be in 11th next year (although he says he wants this to be his 9th grade year and next year be 10th so he can play JV basketball again)


Any suggestions? We are doing IEW as well for writing.

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I don't know anything about Easy Grammar but can say that Analytical Grammar is a wonderful program for covering grammar usage completely in three sessions. You can do two sessions in one year and finish the third up in the next year. It would be just right for starting in 10th grade. I feel confident that my dc know how and why words work the way they do. They also find the program to be practically pain free.

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I don't know anything about Easy Grammar but can say that Analytical Grammar is a wonderful program for covering grammar usage completely in three sessions. You can do two sessions in one year and finish the third up in the next year. It would be just right for starting in 10th grade. I feel confident that my dc know how and why words work the way they do. They also find the program to be practically pain free.


:iagree: I think AG would be perfect for what you are looking for....I think it is very well organized and easy to use. My oldest used it last year and my 2nd kid will use it next year.

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I just posted in another thread that I highly recommend Analytical Grammar. I think it's simple and effective -- tells you everything you need to know with enough practice to make it stick but not so much that you are doing "drill-and-kill" forever on each concept. My 6th grader has learned more this year doing AG then all the years doing Abeka. I'm a freelance writer, and it is a GREAT refresher for me, too.

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We also love Analytical Grammar. It is very beneficial to actually teach it to the student, i.e. read through it with them and correct their work with them each day. It usually takes 15-20 min but it is so worth it. When my daughter started the program in grade 8 she had no previous grammar experience and now she is a ninja! I, on the other hand...:001_huh:

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