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Help me find a new science program, please.


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I've done several years of Apologia elementary with my three kids (ages 12, 9, 8). My 12yo is moving on to Apologia General Science next year, but will still sit in on the youngers' class, I'm sure.


Anyway, the kids are getting tired of the Apologia format and creatures in general. I've thought about going back to Botany, but.... hmmmm....


We use SL, and I would happily use their science program, but I've pieced together some of their science stuff just for fun in the past so they've already read quite a few of the SL elementary science books.


Are there any other lit-based science programs you like?




ETA: Non-lit programs would be fine, too... we just tend to shy away from textbooks here. :-)

Edited by CroppinIt
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ETA: Non-lit programs would be fine, too... we just tend to shy away from textbooks here. :-)


That would accurately describe us here as well. And like you, we've used Apologia Elementary for several years now. In fact, I have all the books & pretty much all the journals!


As my oldest will be officially in Grade 7 in the next school year, I've been reviewing our science curriculum. As much as we have enjoyed "lit-based" science, I've come to the conclusion that at some point, there are subjects (science being one of them) that need to be learnt via textbooks - I'm thinking college.


There's a different skill required to learn from a textbook compared to a narrative. And I felt that I would be doing my children a dis-service if I didn't start introducing some textbooks along the way.


So we'll be checking out BJU's science 7 for dd12 and science 6 for dd10.

I'm guessing that there's going to be a big shock to the system when we get cracking on it (esp the science 7). I just flipped through the textbooks at a HS conference - and...oh boy. It'll be interesting.


Anyway, we won't toss our Apologia science - the children have definitely learnt a lot from them...we'll just use it as science readings on the side. (Although I do want to go through the Anatomy one with them for fun :001_smile:)

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Have you seen Ellen McHenry's The Elements yet? We just started it recently and my middle boys are enjoying it. It is a basic chemistry curriculum for ages 8-12 and can be downloaded/printed or order hard copy. Here's the description from the site:


A basic introduction to the fundamental concepts of chemistry (see "Topics covered" below) but with the interest level of the text and activities geared to students who still like to play while they learn. The student text combines very "meaty" content with whimsical humor, and the teacher's section has lots of activities, games, songs, crafts, etc. All of these activities provide high-quality learning-- they are not "fluff." The overall theme of the curriculum is cooking and recipes, using cooking to explain chemistry concepts. The curriculum is intended to prepare students for high school chemistry. Topics covered: The definition of an element, the structure of an atom, the invention of the Periodic Table by Mendeleyev, chemical formulas, electron orbitals and shells, the octet rule, arrangement of elements on the Periodic Table, atomic bonding (covalent, ionic and metallic), plus an up-close look at the families on the table: alkali metals, alkali earth metals, transition metals, true metals, non-metals, halogens, noble gases, and lanthanides and actinides.




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