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Can someone tell me about Math on the Level?

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I saw this at a homeschool convention here in VA a few weeks ago and I LOVED the idea of it. I haven't actually used it so have no experience. I did talk with the authors (husband/wife) for about a half-hour and thought they really understand math and homeschooling and that the product was perfect for homeschoolers. It was very pricey for my stage of the game, but if I had several children and I were just starting out I would definitely consider investing. The authors were very friendly - I suggest emailing them and asking all your questions.

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It is a relaxed way to teach math through 8th grade. The kids have "class" with you and instead of a worksheet full of problems they have 5 a day. Have you looked at the samples on the site? There is a yahoo group of users as well. It is all non consumable and lasts through pre-algebra. It is teacher intensive as you can not hand the math book to the child, but you can group kids and teach in "classes". From the sample lessons I have done it usually takes 20 minutes for our activity/class time. Then another few for their 5 a day. It is very helpful to help you see where to apply math to everyday situations.

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I'd like to hear about this, too. I've read the posts on this program but still don't understand how it works. It's the implementation that worries me. I'm a little concerned that the program offers too much freedom for the parent (in my case of course). I need structure and will be a total basket case if I'm not given enough guidance - esp. in a subject like math. I'm going to continue to read about it on the website but would love to hear from those who have actually used it.

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