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General and Physical Science


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I am planning on cycling through the various branches of Science like the Well Trained Mind suggests, but when my kids get to jr high I planned on using Apologia. If I chose not to do the General and Physical Science and continue the cycles until they would start Apologia Biology would my kids be missing something or would we have covered what is generally covered in those 2 texts by cycling through the Science. Wouldn't a full year of Chemistry and Physics expose the kids to the same things that Gen. and Physical science would? I keep finding new things that are either straight Physics or Chemistry that I think would be more fun than the Ap text.



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We did General last year, and will do Physical this coming year (so I have looked it over). And, yes, I think you'll be fine if you wait until Biology to start Apologia.


Some things you may not get are the history over-view of science (which has a two-fold purpose, one of which is showing that science and faith are not historically anti-thetical), the young-earth/catastrophic POV in the discussion of fossils, and the discussions about environmentalism. If you wanted to include these things, I think you could find resources at Answers in Genesis. One book we used was "It Couldn't Just Happen", but I'm sure there are many, many others as well.


(BTW - If I was a good science mom, I would probably wait to start Apologia with Biology as well. I'm just *not* a science person, and Apologia does get done!)




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Thanks for your post. I was actually planning to do beautiful feet History of Science along with one of the years of Science before Starting Apologia and I have a lot of Answers in Genesis' books and was thinking of doing a creation science study along with a Biology study at some point. So I'll have to start planning! I only have a 4 yr old right now so I have time, but I want to have an idea of where I'm going so we don't miss anything. So who knows by jr high I may be ready to use just the General science book. I guess it depends on how many kids I have too:) I only have 2 right now.



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Wouldn't a full year of Chemistry and Physics expose the kids to the same things that Gen. and Physical science would? I keep finding new things that are either straight Physics or Chemistry that I think would be more fun than the Ap text.


At the outset, if you use something other than Apologia's General Science and Physical Science, your dc will be fine for Biology. They are not sequential books. You just need to make sure that your dc's math is at the recommended level.


A full year of chemistry and physics would not necessarily expose your dc to the same things as General and Physical Science as these Apologia books cover a short history of science, the scientific process, some geology and earth science, anatomy and physiology and typical physical science topics (magnetism, light, energy, motion, etc.). But there is nothing magical about General and Physical Science. In fact, a full year of chem and physics might be better preparation for Apologia biology. My oldest had hit and miss structured science (lots of delight directed) before starting biology and did fine.




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