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Anybody here use BodyMedia?

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When I am diligent about using it I have great results.


Once I am used to wearing it I can leave it on 24/7, except when I am showering and sometimes forget that I am even wearing it. I use it consistently for a couple of months and then take some time off. I just put it back on last week for another round.


It does bug me to have it show so I have to wear shirts with sleeves that cover it, but that is just me. I also take it off at church because otherwise I get too many questions and looks. I do change arms even though it says to leave it on your left arm, because it gets kind of rashy underneath after a while.


It seems to me that it is pretty accurate as far as calories burned. I really like the website and when I am careful about entering what I eat it is a pretty good predictor of how much weight I will lose. I say pretty good because I messed up my metabolism with a lot of dieting after my kids were born and I have a bunch of menopause hormone issues going on that interfere with weight loss at the moment.


I like charts and graphs so I appreciate all of the data that is available on the website. It is also a big incentive, for me, to see the chart with the calories burned going up and down. I like to make it go up :). It also gives you an estimate of how many calories you would burn by the end of the day (throughout the day) if you did nothing but sit for the rest of the day, so I can see if I need to do extra exercise if I have gone out to lunch or had dessert or something.


Mine is a little bit older and I just download the information with a wireless receiver that plugs into my computer via usb cable. I don't have any of the other stuff like the watch or an app for the iPod. I think I would become obsessive about how many calories I am burning every second of the day if I could see it constantly instead of having to wait to download it. "come on, vacuum faster, you have to up that calories/minute rate!!" :lol:


I think it was worth it but I don't want to over sell it and have someone pay for it (because they are not inexpensive) that it won't be a good fit for. If you have any more questions, let me know.


I lost about 60 pounds wearing it the last time around, by the way (ouch, that is hard to type). Not totally because of it, but it was a big help in keeping me motivated.

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