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I'm very sad today..

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I don't post a lot, but this young lady has really been on my mind since she disappeared in Feb. I had an 18 year old Samantha and yesterday while she was celebrating her 19th birthday the body of a another Samantha, 18,was being found and drug from a lake. Please keep her family in your thoughts and prayers, or good wishes there going to need it in the days to come. I can't imagine losing one of my babies in such an awful way.


My dad actually spoke to her father on the phone. Some how the licence plate number on one of his vehicle was reported as the license number of a suspicious truck truck that had been seen hanging around several coffee stands before the girl was abducted. We don't why or how because his plates were still on the vehicle they belonged to, a small car that hadn't been driven in months.


Edited by akmommy
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