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Question about dd7 spelling???


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My DD7, almost 8, is using AAS 3 right now. During her spelling, she RARELY gets any words wrong. However, when we're not 'doing spelling'....she RARELY spells them right. For instance, yesterday, at random times she spelled these words:










lile pad-lily pad


Now, I know she hasn't encountered all these words yet, but the problem is a lot of the time there are words she has learned, yet still doesn't spell them right, outside of spelling. So, do I just keep going with AAS? Do I give her extra practice? Is this normal, I don't know. This is our first year, and this is all new to me.


Edited by 4maybabies
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I can't speak to whether it is normal or not but my DD is just turned 8 and gets her spelling words right on her test about 98% of the time. When she is writing however, she gets words wrong. Just yesterday she wrote triping instead of tripping. I asked her what we did to the last letter of a word when there is a single vowel-single consonant. She knew right away to double it. I asked why she didn't. She said "I don't know." Hopefully it gets better.

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Did you start at the very beginning with AAS1? If not, that might be a lot of the problem. A lot of rules are covered in the first 2 levels that are instrumental to spelling. If you have covered levels 1 & 2 already, maybe you moved through them to fast for the rules to really sink in?


I would keep a list of all misspelled words throughout the day, and then at the end of the school day go over the list with your daughter and the corresponding spelling rules. Don't just tell her how to spell the word correctly, make sure she understands WHY the word is spelled a certain way.


She is also fairly young. Spelling, as with reading & writing, get better with age/practice.

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