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Doing some SOTW book shopping for volume 1


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I have come realize that I can't depend on the library for books I want to read to aloud that go along with something we are studying. That said I need to compile a list of books to buy for SOTW volume 1 so that as we work our way through I can walk over to my bookshelf and grab what I want/need to read. Ideally I'd like to get 1-2 books per chapter. If he is thirsty for more on a topic that is when I'll turn to the library.


That said, what books do you feel best supplement and would be real gems? My son is 8 if that makes any difference.



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I have a list on my blog here. We added some, didn't read others, but mostly it has been a great guide for us this year. Definitely get the SOTW AG, it has lots of choices for each chapter and the AG really makes the program.


Some of our favorites have been:

Gilgamesh trilogy

The Trojan Horse (Little)

You Wouldn't Want to be . . . . (series)

Greek Myths (Usborne)

Magic Treehouse books

King Midas

Ms Frizzle books.

Anansi books

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