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And yet another scheduling thread

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I am to the point where I have to give up my ultra-relaxed approach in favor of -- ack! -- an actual schedule for us to get all our work done, esp dd11. I'm thinking of the subjects she'll actually need me for, like science labs or explaining trouble spots in math.


I do read-alouds/group work with all three kids every day, but past that so far I've been pretty relaxed and it's somehow all gotten in (or not...) but that's not going to work so well beginning next year. Dd11 is going to need more formal structure to keep her on track to finish everything.


So how do you get in all your junior high work and still have time for younger kids? Do you have the same subjects every day? Do you alternate (some on M/W, some on T/Th)? Do you follow your nose, and hope it all gets done by the end of the week? What kind of deadlines/requirements do you set?


Help me figure out a weekly plan that will get it all done and still leave me with a little sanity. (Yes, that's an assumption, but let's go with it, shall we?)



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I would estimate that my DD12 does about 80% of her schoolwork independently. I give her a two-week schedule (broken out by day) and she checks off things as she completes them. If she desires a light day later, she works ahead in some subjects.


We are very relaxed in the early years too but I start expecting more independence in middle school. My DD15 is almost completely independent her her studies.



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