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A friend just gave me VideoText Algebra...

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I personally like VideoText very much. My MBA husband and Electrial Engineer son both liked it. My daughter didn't do well with it because she did not have a solid foundation in arithmetic basics, not because of the curriculum itself. One mom I talked to about the program said it was perfect for one son and a bust for the other son. I'm really not sure what makes it work for one and not another.


Since you own the set, perhaps you and your daughter can sit down and watch a few lessons together and see how you like it. It is a solid program, IMHO.


Editing to add: Module A is mostly pre-algebra, so watch a few lessons from each module to get a good feel for the program.

Edited by ccm
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Editing to add: Module A is mostly pre-algebra, so watch a few lessons from each module to get a good feel for the program.


Thanks for your review. Your edit brings up my other question. My dd has gone through MUS Prealgebra and is currently working through Chalkdust pre algebra at an excelerated pace (at first she didn't like it but once I went through several modules with her and she found a groove, she's blowing through it). So do I continue on with the Chalkdust or (if she likes it) jump into the VideoText since it goes over pre algebra in the beginning?

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I'm using VT Alg with my third daughter. Two of the three are not math minded but capable. The middle is math-minded. VT is fabulous. I tried TT & Math Relief with firstborn because she said she hated VT. She hated the others and didn't get it. We have been thrilled with VT.


As to your question, I think you should go ahead and start VT if she is with her second go-thru on PreAlg and not finish Chalkdust.


Lisaj, mom to 5

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As to your question, I think you should go ahead and start VT if she is with her second go-thru on PreAlg and not finish Chalkdust.




Module A begins with a discussion of the language of mathematics. I found the first few lessons to be very beneficial.


Later on, the procedure for translating word problems into mathematical statements is top-notch, IMHO.

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I'm using VT Alg with my third daughter. Two of the three are not math minded but capable. The middle is math-minded. VT is fabulous. I tried TT & Math Relief with firstborn because she said she hated VT. She hated the others and didn't get it. We have been thrilled with VT.


As to your question, I think you should go ahead and start VT if she is with her second go-thru on PreAlg and not finish Chalkdust.


Lisaj, mom to 5


This is the case with my daughter. She dislikes math because of a poor foundation in public and private schools and then my mistake of "curriculum-hopping" in our first few years of homeschooling. She was not ready for Algebra when I started VT. Now that I realize the error of my haste, we are going back to the beginning (Basic College Mathematics) and will take our time, however long it takes, and progress through Lial Algebra. Unlike her siblings, she will not be in a math-intensive major in college, but mastery of Algebra and Geometry is a must in my book.

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