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Another "I want a baby" post...

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We are truly blessed and have four wonderful dc. Our oldest is 13, the youngest is 8.


I am really, really feeling the baby blues. I would love to have another one and dh is willing, but is somewhat waiting for me to convince him that this is not a passing feeling. I have been feeling like this for a few years, though it has gotten especially bad over the last few months.


I can think of a hundred reasons why we probably shouldn't have another baby...we would be starting over, it is pretty easy with our dc now, saving for college or other financial things, I am not at an ideal weight to begin a pregnancy, to name a few.


I don't really have any grand reason to have another baby, except that we enjoy everything there is about babies and children and love having a house full.


We have a wonderful marriage, so this is not about filling a gap or anything like that.


I am just trying to come to terms with how I feel. Do we just take the leap of faith and try for another baby or will this feeling eventually pass? I don't want to always be wishing for another baby and then get to the age where it wouldn't be possible any longer. I will be 37 this year. And, then if we don't have another baby, will I always be sad that we didn't?


Any BTDT advice? Which way did you go...have another or the feelings passed?

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We had all of the same reasons as you listed to not have another baby. Our next youngest was five and a half when we had our baby. We don't regret it for one second. It is very different starting over, though. There are a lot of things we forgot about. I think he has a calmer, less easily ruffled mommy than the others had. If you have felt this way for years I would guess that probably will not fade and you'll regret not having another baby. I say go for it!

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