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Dr Hive- Swollen gland in neck for long time...

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Just wondering if anyone else has had this experience...

Ds6.5 has had a swollen gland on the back of his neck on and off, but mostly on, for about a year and a half now.

It has been checked by the doc a few times. Generally this has been at times of cold/sore throat/ear inflammation. Doc has always said that I can go have ultrasound +/- biopsy if I want to or I can just see if it goes down by itself (given that he has had the cold/ear inflammation which was probably causing it).

He said so long as it doesn't get any bigger or become painful it is probably ok.

Ds is otherwise very healthy, full of energy, eats well, sleeps well, no problems, so I've held off on any invasive testing.

He has had some dental work done over the past year, culminating in a recent extraction of a molar (a baby molar).

Personally I felt that it was very possibly the dental issues (perhaps long term low grade infection in the tooth which was removed) which were causing the swelling and in the past month, since the extraction, I think the lump had gone down as ds said he couldn't feel it and I couldn't either.

Today though, ds has a cold and sore throat and I can see the lump again.

Any ideas?

Thanks in advance:001_smile:

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If it is reacting to colds or something I wouldn't be worried. That is what glands do, they filter. I have one behind my ear that acts up here and there. I also have a cyst that comes and goes which is common as well. They feel a lot like glands but are softer.

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My son (now 18) has had one in the same spot on and off since he was 5. It flares when he gets a cold or an infection. I agree, as long as you do not notice it getting significantly larger, I think it's fine. My sons would be visible sometimes for a few months after he was sick. HTH!

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