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facebook question

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My daughter and I both have facebook accounts. I have her password and go in every so often. My BIL posts a lot of political links that are typically incorrect (as in they are not factual). They are either easily debunked on snopes or a simple google search would show that they are not true. I wouldn't mind a well-worded critical piece on a politician, but I get annoyed by the link and by the follow up comments. I think they make my BIL look foolish.


I went into my daughter's facebook and unsubscribed from my BIL so she won't see them. I specifically 'hid' one and then unsubscribed. Going back onto my own facebook, I noticed that the particular post I hid on my daughter's is also missing on mine. Since we share a computer, would that affect both of our settings? Or did he delete it? (I went to his wall, but that post is mising). I don't want to ask my sister because she would be very upset that I took BIL off my daughter's feed. (And she's already mad at me because I told her that he was using bad sources and not factual ones.)


If anybody knows the answer, I appreciate the help. Thanks :)

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