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Is TOG a complete Language Arts program, if I add Grammer??


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I think I've finally decided to go back to the beginning and try TOG one more time. I think it was just too much for our first year of homeschooling. I also think I read everything that everyone supplimented with, and felt like I had to add and add. Really, we used it as a stand alone, for History only, but did all the other subjects with TOG too, and then supplimented all other subjects. Now, I'm wondering, if I use TOG like it was intended, will it offer us a complete, rigorous Language Arts program, if I add in grammer and finish up phonics with my littles?? I'll have a child or two in each level of TOG next fall, and this is why I am looking at returning to try it again. The idea of having them all combined for History, Lit, and Writing, is very, very appealing to this very overwhelmed mom!



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I was going to say no...because I tend to think of "Language Arts" as including spelling and penmanship, in addition to grammar and writing. But if you are comfortable with giving penmanship & spelling instruction via copywork of sentences from the literature, then yes! Add grammar (or grammar via Latin!) and you'll be all set. I did use the TOG vocabulary as spelling last year for my 2 natural spellers -- worked well!

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