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Sick dog, any suggestions?

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Our vet is closed for the rest of the day and the other vet in town has also closed for the day.


We have a border collie, about two years old. He was a stray so we're not definite on the age. He's very 'energetic'. He also eats anything he encounters and since we live in the country, that means dead animals (we aren't sure how to break that habit). He is free roaming as we don't have fences (and the ones we do have, he can jump). Since we know our neighbors and they are several acres away, he has lots of area to roam.


Last night, I fixed a special plate of food for him since we had leftover roast, mixing in some beef with his typical food (he doesn't get table scraps often and is usually really excited when he does). He sniffed it and then walked away and sat down. After an hour, I threw it out and gave him his regular food. He also refused that, but did drink water. I checked around midnight and he had eaten about half (he usually inhales food).


This morning, he didn't eat, but he is still drinking some water. He's still active and moving around, chasing things and jumping. I noticed that his 'backside' was wet and it looks like he may have diarrhea.


Is there anything I can give him other than just plenty of water and access to food until we see the vet tomorrow? He doesn't act sick, but I can tell he's not his typical self. My husband suspects that he ate a dead possum we saw in the road (which is possible).

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It's hard to tell because he goes into the woods to do his "business". His backside looks wet which makes me think it is diarrhea. I think I see some bright red on some of his white fur, but it's hard to tell. (He's a wiggly kind of dog).


He is still drinking water and we're replacing it with fresh water frequently. (He's an outdoor dog). He's looking a little puny but still moving around a good bit.


Thank you!

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