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What would you suggest?

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I am a TOG user of four years. I love it, however, it does require a significant amount of time from me in planning. I try to do most of it over the summer. However, we have a LOT going on in our family right now, and this summer is not going to allow me much time at all for preparation. And, the potential is there that these issues will go on through a significant portion of the school year. Therefore, I am considering taking a TOG hiatus to go with something a bit more open and go. However, I don't want to get out of the flow of the history rotation we are in. Currently, we are starting the last unit of year one. So I'm looking at something that will cover the middle ages, renaissance and age of exploration. What would be the suggestions to use for a D level student to cover that time frame that would allow us to return to our TOG in another year? I'm contemplating Heart of Dakota's Resurrection to Reformation and MFW's Rome to the Reformation (though both of those would have a bit of review in the beginning and not quite go as far as TOG.) Any suggestions?



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Have you considered Biblioplan? It is taught in four year cycles, and from what I've heard is a great option for Classically based history study. We have considered this ourselves, and there are a number of people here on the boards that recommend it.





P.S. I'm editing to add this since I forgot to clarify earlier. Biblioplan covers the following subjects:


Ancient History

Medieval History

World History

Bible Studies

Church History

Missionary Studies


Social Studies

U.S. History



Creative Writing

Edited by HSMom2One
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