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Right Start C--Geometry Drawing Set


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Looking for ways to save some money, but I don't want to be cheap just to find out I should have spent the $ in the first place, YKWIM?


Should I buy the geo drawing set from Right Start, or can I get the pieces (T-square, 30-60 triangle, etc) from Wal-Mart or whatever during back to school sales?



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It may work at the edge of a rectangular shaped table (not round). The child would need to have his worksheet taped to the table near the edge so that the T part of the T-square can rest over the edge. Then the ruler part will be perfectly level. I have just finished teaching the geometry part in C, so it is fresh. However, if you plan to continue with D-G (my oldest is in G), I'd get the drawing board (it's like a flat dry erase board) It is used to tape worksheets onto which the student will complete using the various geometric tools.

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It may work at the edge of a rectangular shaped table (not round).


:iagree: We have a round table. It has to 'hook' on to a straight edge. I had a small white board that I thought would work, but it had a slight ridge around the edge and it made it almost impossible to draw the lines correctly. I ended up having to buy the board.

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