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Lightbulb Moments that make you smile


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Love lightbulb moments! DS(age8) is studying capacity today in math, so I dragged out the graduated cylinder set and had him estimating amounts of colored water held in different vessels.


On a whim, I set our kitchen scale to g/kg and had him tare the scale to the 1000ml cylinder and fill it up with water. When he saw the weight, he thought for a moment, then yelled, "HEY! That is not an accident, is it??"


On days like this, I feel so bad for parents who let near strangers have all the fun :D



Share your best lightbulb moments so we can all smile too!

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What fun!


Mine are still young, but we've had a few already. I was talking with my 4yo son in the car one day about trees using their leaves to collect sunshine to make food, and their roots to get water from the ground. He quietly watched the world go by for a couple of minutes, then asked "Mom, does grass have roots too?"


We are just getting ready to start "for real" (notifying the county this summer), but I agree -- I would be sad to miss these moments!

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