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We're doing US History next year, and I'm looking at possible "spines" for us to use. I'm aiming toward a rather CM-ish approach.


(We just started hsing this year, in 3rd grade. So I didn't want to dive into chronological just yet. I'm aiming for a year of US in 4th, then a chronological cycle 5th-8th.)


I am looking at American History Stories by Mara Pratt. These look to be terrific!


Also, I'm considering the two H.A. Guerber books for America - The 13 Colonies and The Great Republic. Not sure whether I'll get the Guerber/Miller versions or just the edited version from Memoria Press along with the "200 Questions" guide. I really like these books, and I'm looking at using the other Guerber books in later years along with MOH or Truthquest, or some other yet-undiscovered program!!


So, my questions...


1. The Pratt books are true historical stories, yes? Not historical fiction? It appears that way from the brief samples I was able to see, but wanted to confirm.


2. For anyone familiar with both the Pratt and the Guerber books, which do you prefer and why? What ages are each best for, and would either set be better for a 4th grader? (He is advanced, loves history, and has a higher reading level if that makes a difference, although we'd be doing at least some of it as read aloud.)


3. Finally... if I really like both... would it be too much to do readings from both sets over the course of the year? For instance, use the Guerber books as a "spine" but read selected chapters from Pratt for an extra viewpoint... or vice versa? Or would we get nothing done but reading history all year?


Just collecting some thoughts... thanks!! :)

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I am using Mara Pratt's books this year. My kids *love* them. My son (3rd grade) sticks our current Mara Pratt volume in my face sometimes to try to get me to hurry up and get to our history reading. I frequently read extra chapters so that the kids can find out what happens next. These stories are historical, though they were written around 1900. They may not be as entirely accurate in some cases since new evidence may have come to light since 1900. Also, be sure to pre-edit volume 4 about the Civil War since there is a lot of outdated language in that one which is not acceptable these days.


I just bought he Guerber books and the 200 Questions book so I can't compare, but I think they will also be excellent. I got the Memoria Press version of the Guerber books.


I think you can do both Pratt and Guerber books along with the 200 Questions book in one year. I currently cover American history over the second half of the year (since we do world history for the first half of the year). We read from our history book every day, and we can easily cover a spine such as Mara Pratt's or Guerber in half of the year. If you are going to spend the whole year on American history, you could defintely do both. You may have to read every day or most days of the week to accomplish that, however.

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I haven't read more than samples of the Pratt books but they seen quite 'young' in tone to me. She talks to 'boys and girls,' etc. They seem maybe 3rd grade and below to me.


For that reason I've decided to use This Country of Ours (http://amblesideonline.org/TCOOContents.shtml also available at Amazon and on Kindle) with my 4th grader. Some people don't like it because of occasional words like 'savages' being used and pro the conquering white man, but I see that as a good chance to talk about that kind of stuff. And I like the tone for later elementary. Ambleside and charrlottemasonhelp.com recommend this book.


I love the look of the Guerber books but to me they're written more towards middle schoolers (may just be me!). I'll probably use them alongside SOTW 3 for 5th or 6th grade. The Memoria Press versions look good to me!

Edited by Bula Mama
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Thank you both for the thoughts. I think I'm going to at least get the Guerber books. I'll take a look at them, and if I think they're too much, I'll reconsider... I'm sure I'll use them at some point, anyway. Glad you both think the MP version looks good as well... I think I'll go with that, certainly a lot cheaper and from what I know of the edits, we can live with them just fine.


Slightly off topic, but I'm a big fan of the Guerber and Marshall books not just for the content, but I find it very cool that women wrote these books in a time where women didn't get published much!! (I'm sure that's the reason for using their initials.)

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