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Classical Conversations, don't need opinions, just need details.

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I'm considering enrolling my dc in CC next year. We've never attended CC so I really don't know a lot about it. I've been doing some research, but I still can't quite figure out what is actually taught each week. I know we would need our own math, and possibly phonics? Could someone please give me a run down on how it works!



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I only have experience with Foundations.


The tutor PRESENTS memory work each week, which covers 7 topics (history sentence, history timeline, math, science, Latin and English grammar). They don't TEACH any of these topics. They just get the memorization ball rolling. You work on memorizing this information at home and 'flesh it out' as you see fit. YOU as the mom and teacher teach all of these topics as part of your schooling at home.


In addition to the memory work, there is a fine arts time in which drawing, art appreciation, music theory or orchestra/composers are taught. Each of these topics is covered during one of four quarters.


There is a science experiment or project each week.


The children do a presentation each week.


Finally, there is a review time in which the previous weeks' memory work is reviewed, often in a game format.


CC does not replace math or language arts, including phonics. It's supplemental material only. It isn't a replacement for science, history or Latin either. However, my children are young. So, I consider the CC science to be enough while it's in session (only 24 weeks). We do additional science in the weeks that we don't do CC. I'm going to wait on doing additional Latin until they're a little older.


Some people coordinate the history and science at home with the CC memory work. Some (like me) don't.


Hope that helps. There are similar threads on this forum if you care to look.

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Missouri is spot on in her description of foundations. And I would strongly recommend visiting the campus and going to a practicum this spring or summer. Get in touch with the director at the campus that you're interested in, and ask him/her if you can come for a visit one week. We've had visitors come to our campus for the last couple weeks. Bring your kids, b/c they will be allowed to join a class and try it out first hand. You should check it out b/c it is different from modern education. And you need to know what to expect. Also, you should visit b/c each campus might be different. You want to make sure that you like the campus that is in question. KWIM?


I have no experience with Essentials and the Challenges, but this is what I know. The kids that are in Essentials do Foundations in the morning. Then after lunch a recess, they do Essentials, which is a Language Arts curriculum. I think they might even do some math? I definitely know that they do writing. The Challenge levels are a complete curriculum. It sounds pretty intense b/c this program REALLY prepares kids for college.

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