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Could you check over my 3rd and 5th grade plans for next year?


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I've spent so much time trying to figure out what I'm going to do with my rising 9th grader that I suddenly realized that I hadn't even begun to plan for the younger kids. I started to panic but then realized that we can just continue on with most of what they've been doing. Here's the plan for them. Could you just let me know if there's anything that I've left out. (I almost forgot to add handwriting for ds!)



Bible - family devotions

science - Apologia Zoology 2 or 3 and some physics materials we have on hand

history - finish SOTW 2 and start SOTW 3

geography - map making ala The Core and country studies with home ed group

art - continue very slowly working through I Can Do All Things and study Renaissance artists

music - Classics for Kids online


dd 5th grade:

math - finish MM4 and start MM5

spelling - R&S 5

vocabulary - WW5

grammar - JAG

writing - WT 2

logic - Reading Detective, Building Thinking Skills

Latin - finish LL1 and start LL2

Spanish - still not decided on this


ds 3rd grade:

math - MM3

spelling - R&S 3

vocabulary - WW3

handwriting - HWOT Cursive Handwriting

grammar - Grammar Land

writing - WWE3

logic - Reading Detective, Building Thinking Skills


Have I missed anything?

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I started my older boys with Latin in 3rd grade and kind of regretted it. I thought it was a bit too much too soon and wanted to give the younger ones more grammar background before they started Latin, so dd started Latin this year in 4th, and I'll do the same with the youngest. He does follow along a bit with dd's Spanish, but I don't push it with him. I'm not sure if you noticed while you were here, but he's very antsy and active. It's hard enough to get him to sit still for the necessities, so I don't push the Spanish.


I don't list pe because we don't use a program for it, but dd does gymnastics and they both swim weekly. I'd like to add a sport for the youngest, but haven't yet. Living in the middle of nowhere makes joining clubs difficult. We may be making a move to a more populated area, so maybe can find a club he'd enjoy then.

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Megan - McGraw-Hill Practice Makes Perfect Spanish


"Vamos a Cantar" (Let's sing) http://www.amazon.co.uk/gp/aw/d/1905780133/ref=mp_s_a_1?qid=1330735084&sr=8-1. That's a link to the spiral bound version; you may be able to find a regular copy for less.


Another option is to get dual language children's story books in Spanish and English; or Spanish story books that your children already know in English like "The Very Hungry Caterpillar" by Eric Carle - "La Pequena Oruga Glotona".

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